Friday, May 2, 2014

Downtown Lawrence KS- Erin Carbrey

These are images of downtown Lawrence, KS. This is my hometown, and I am completely in love with it. It is full of history everywhere you turn. I remember Mr. Boeck talking on several occasions about how the area needs to fit together, and somewhat match. I am amazed at how well Lawrence has preserved its history and true identity in this area. Defended by John Brown during Quantrill’s raid, this area was burned down and many of the buildings rebuilt are the ones seen, still standing today. Although many commercial business and restaurants are now located here, they have still managed to keep the street very aesthetically pleasing. I believe this is one of the most sustainable spots I have been to, not because it is energy efficient (which I’m almost positive it’s not at all), but because it has been able to withstand history and will continue to do so far into the future. 

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