Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Chris Hemken - Location, Location, Location

This is my home. I lived here with my parents from '98 to '08, then after 3 years in an apartment, my parents moved back to Kansas and now my wife and I rent it from them. The structure itself is fairly average. Just a standard 70's suburban house, much the same as any other in the neighborhood. What really sets it apart is the location. Its only 1/4 mile from I-40 and maybe 2 miles from the main shopping area of Yukon, but it feels very rural. It sits right on the corner of a cul de sac with only 3 other houses. It is surrounded by nature. There is a small field in front of it with an old barn that is all that remains of the farm that this neighborhood used to be. It looks beautiful with the setting sun shining through towards the house. To the side, across a street, is a wooded creek that splits the neighborhood and blocks the rest of the houses from view and the backyard slopes down to a neighborhood pond full of ducks and geese. I liked living here before but now that I'm older and can appreciate the beauty of the surroundings, I love it even more.

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