Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Simon Ott - Your home affects more than just you...

We live in an older neighborhood in town in Shawnee.  The house was built in the 1920’s by a gentleman who wasn’t able to finish it.  It was purchased from him by the then city manager of Shawnee who finished its construction.  One of his pet projects during his time in office was the installation of a trolley system.  The main elite residential thoroughfare at the time was heading North from Main St. on Broadway.  The trolley system was installed along Broadway and since the City Manager’s new house was only a block off Broadway towards the end of the proposed route, he persuaded the city to continue the route past his home so he could ride it to work every day.  The current day result, since the days of the trolley car are long gone, is a wider than usual road through a residential area.  It’s commonly used as a cut through to one of the heavier traffic arteries through town and is typically driven above the posted speed limit.  When we purchased the house the lot had minimal landscaping.  Lots of pristine lawn with a couple of strategically placed shrubs.  Being a family that loves the beauty of nature, we changed that.  We put in wire fencing and a lavish garden that not only provided a buffer from the high speed traffic, it offered some minor seclusion in town life and beauty to the home.  The beauty of the garden also had a pleasant side effect, the traffic slowed considerably due to people slowing to gaze at the multitude of plants and flowers as they drove by.  The neighbors are no longer seeking to petition for a stop sign or speed bumps to be installed and the instances of people running the stop signs that are there have slowed due to the decreased sight lines.  We have become a culture that spends most of our time shut into our homes watching TV and tend to forget how much our homes can affect the area and lives around us.  It's remarkable what a few well placed flowers can do to remind you of that fact. 
Gabriel enjoying the spring flowers

Angel watching over the corner

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