Thursday, March 6, 2014

MBFWL- Ashley Carter

In all honesty I have no idea what this is. When I ran across this building I knew it would be perfect for this blog. Randomly driving around, as I love to do, I noticed some graffiti on the back of a building. I stopped to take pictures of it and come to find out this was on the front of it. A man standing outside of the building said that he thinks it's an art museum but I'm thinking it may be more than that. I love the actual art and thought put into this building. I just love how unique it is! It makes you wonder what's inside of there. It had the initials MBFWL on it. Come to find out it meant Made By Freaks With Love. Lol. A little freakish looking but still very eye catching. Forgot to mention, this is Downtown OKC Bricktown.


  1. I love seeing building with really neat art. It is definitely a way to catch someone's eye. -Karissa Schlickbernd
