Monday, April 28, 2014

Fireplace - Laurel Lamb

This is the fireplace in my childhood home.  It's my favorite feature of the house, as well as the focal point of it.  Most fireplaces I've seen are square or more linear, so I like the curvature of this fireplace.  I've lived in this house since I was born, so naturally a lot of memories and family photos are attached to fireplace.  More than anything, it reminds me of Christmas, when the tree is set up right next to it and my parents and siblings are all together celebrating.  Another memory that the fireplace reminds me of is when my parents and I were stuck in the house during an ice storm a few years ago.  We had no electricity or hot water for almost a week.  We kept a fire going constantly and cooked many hot dogs in this fireplace.  It's been an important place for both celebrating and surviving.


  1. i remember that storm and being in front of our fire place for 5 nights

  2. This is a great hearth, it is rounded to allow more gathering room in front of it. -MWood
